DTS Update (Part One)

Hey everyone I know that I am a little behind but I am going to go over what has been happening these previous weeks at my DTS. I cannot believe that we only have two weeks of lecture left and then me and my team will be off to Mazatlan and Panama!

So, the topic for week five was about destiny by design/our identity. We thought back to what we loved to do as a kid and how that can guide us about what we want to do now or in our future. I learned that my dreams aren’t just from myself but that they are from God! I realized that my passions and gifts are from God and that following in obedience to God will help guide me to my future. Sometimes (and still today) it stresses me out to think about my future, but since I’ve learned that God is the one who really has control it has allowed me to loosen up and truly live my life in the present and to trust in Him that my future WILL come!

Week six we learned about Lordship! This week was so convicting, I realized that there are many areas of my life that I needed to surrender to the Lord. A couple of key pieces I took away from this week that really helped me understand this topic was that I can find more peace and freedom in God than leaning onto my own power and that we cannot be friends with Jesus unless He is first our Lord. An area of my life that I realized I needed to give to God was about my future. I have been so worried about college, my future career, my future husband, where I am going to live etc. that I was really missing out on life and just being in the now. I have definitely felt so much more freedom in my life and I have just trusted Him that He will guide me to where I need to go. While I am still not perfect at surrendering this all of the time and there are still days that I stress. I know that my future is something God has control of.

Week seven we talked about spiritual warfare. I was a little nervous going into this week because if I am being real here, the whole enemy thing freaks me out. But this week I really learned about how to not be scared because we as Christians have the authority against the enemy. I took away a lot of things from this week that really helped me grow in this topic. I realized that I don’t have to be afraid because we are fighting a battle that God has already won! This just brought so much peace to me personally because I realized that the Holy Spirit is in us and that we have the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-13) so I don’t need to be afraid of the enemy.


DTS Update (Part Two)


DTS Week three & four