DTS Week one & two


Wow these past two weeks have flown by. I did a little update on my instagram (@adventures.with.jules) about my first week here, but I promised myself to keep up on my blog! Everything was so crazy I forgot to do a post last Sunday, so I decided to just put both the week one and week two update on one post, but for the future I am going to make sure to do at least one blog post each week!

Week one was so surreal, everything was so new. From moving to Kona, having roommates, being in a new community, and meeting so many new people. At home I was definitely more of an introvert, so having to introduce myself and go out of my comfort zone to talk to new people was new for me. But being uncomfortable has forced me to grow in so many ways already and it was only week one! It has been exciting and eye opening to meet people from different cultures and backgrounds. I also came to DTS very new in my faith and just really starting my walk with the Lord. It has been a little overwhelming but also so fun to learn everything, and Monday night ministry is my new favorite thing! My Uncle Sean actually taught one of the lectures in the first week of class! We talked about all of the different ways you can hear from God and about God’s character. We also learned about the history of YWAM Ships from Brett and Karen Curtis! I was also assigned my work duty/practical ministry during week one and I am working with Ignite studios! This has been such a fun work duty. I am learning about editing videos (something I have always wanted to do) while also hearing some really cool testimonies! Week one was an adjustment but so exciting. 

During week two it was starting to feel more real that I was in Hawaii. The topic was Father Heart of God! I have been learning so many things about the Lord, I think half of my notebook is full already! I feel like a sponge just trying to take in all of the information that I can! I also know that while I might not understand everything now that it’s okay, and I will always have my notes to look back on later. Living in a community has been so new for me but also so good. At home I am such an introvert, and I don’t know if it’s a defense mechanism or something but I have become such an extrovert here! Something I prayed about a long time before coming here is friendship and wow has the Lord blessed me. I have been able to feel comfortable to be my total weird self and it has been so freeing to not feel like I need to put on a mask or act a certain way. These girls have also been my number one cheerleaders and supporters when stuff gets hard. I already know the friendships that I’m making now will definitely last a lifetime. 


DTS Week three & four


Why am I Doing a DTS (part two)